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Delphos St John


DSJ Student Curriculum Guidelines and Standards:

Academic Assessment
Progress Reports - ProgressBook acts as an ongoing progress report. These are to inform you of what is going on with your child(ren) in academics and behavior. If you have any questions, be sure to contact the teacher. ProgressBook should be monitored at least weekly.

Grading Scale
St. John’s Elementary School uses the “A” through “F” grading system for Grades 1-6.
The purpose for evaluating the student both in subject matter areas and in character development is that both parents/guardians and teacher(s) may cooperate in helping the student to reach his/her highest potential. If there are any questions, the child’s teacher should be notified.

Grading System And Procedures For Grading
> Teachers must keep accurate grading records. This is so necessary when it comes time to make out report cards. It is the only way one has to justify the grades given. It is also necessary to keep these grades throughout the year in order to clarify any questions which might arise.
> Grades are to be given for all subjects taught. This includes music, art, physical education are considered part of the Honor Roll.
> Grades range from A through F - as listed to the right.  In addition, the following maybe used:
O = Outstanding
S = Satisfactory Progress
I = Improving
N = Needs Improvement
U = Unsatisfactory Progress
X = Not Evaluated

Junior High / High School
Student Grades
The school calculates quarterly grade point averages to determine honor roll. This is not to be confused with a student’s cumulative grade point average which is determined by averaging the student’s final grades. Final grades are calculated using a percentage of each quarter grade and semester exam earned throughout the duration of the course. Credits for courses are earned on a semester basis.

Graduation Requirements
All students graduating from St. John’s High School must meet the minimum
requirements as specified by the Ohio State Department of Education, the Diocese of Toledo, and St. John’s High School. In order to receive a high school diploma a student must have completed the following:
1.) Received/passed the required credits (24) outlined below.
2.) Passed all Ohio State Department of Education requirements
3.) Attended the class retreats each year of attendance
4.) Students are required to take enough courses each year that would only allow for no more than one study hall, per school year.
5.) Students must meet all academic, financial, service, attendance, and disciplinary obligations and requirements before a diploma will be issued.

The Following Courses and Credits Are Required for Graduation:
Religious Studies: 4.0
English 4.0
Math (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, one other Math course) 4.0
Science (Biology, Physical Science, and one other Science course) 3.0
Social Studies (Amer. Govt., World Studies, Amer. History) 3.0
Senior Seminar 0.5
Health/Physical Education 1.0
Personal Finance-Economics 0.5
Fine Art (Earned in Grades 7 through 12) 1.0
Electives 3.0
Total Required 24
Grading Scale
A    95-100%
A-   93-94%
B+  90-92%
B    86-89%
B-   84-85%
C+   81-83%
C     77-80%
C-    75-76%
D+   72-74%
D     68-71%
D-    66-67%
F      00-65%
Elementary Honor’s Program
All Grade Levels - Teachers are to recognize the students in the classrooms in all subject areas, including conduct and effort.

Grades 5 & 6 -
First Honors: all A’s
Second Honors: all A’s and B’s
Third Honors: all A’s and B’s and max of one C

JH/HS Academic Honor Roll 
First Honors: 4.0 GPA
Second Honors: 3.5-3.999 GPA
Third Honors: 3.000-3.499 GPA 
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